Don was at Walmart one day last week and was by the garden center as an older lady walked through the doors, her arms full of supplies. She asked if the cart Don was standing near was his. He said, “Yes, but here, please take it.” The lady was very grateful and they parted ways, and then Don was upset at himself that he hadn’t acted on the thought that he should give her a card. So, he prurposed that if he saw her again, he would do so.

He never did come across her again while he was in the store, so he checked out his items and proceeded to the car. Just then, the lady “happened” to be heading back to the store entrance to drop off her empty cart. (Afterward, she stressed to Don that she normally never does this at all, and instead leaves the cart in one of the parking lot stalls, but this one time she felt moved to bring it right into the store in case someone else needed it.)

Anyway, running into the lady the second time gave Don the opportunity to ask her about her church experience and knowledge of the scriptures. During the conversation, the lady shared that she lives in an apartment complex with 65 other tenants and she knows something like 62 of them by name, and she regularly walks around the building praying for them all. She also revealed to Don that over the years, she had prayed many times for the “gift of tongues” but it never happened to her.

Don, of course, “expounded the Word of God unto her more perfectly” (like Aquila and Priscilla in the Book of Acts) and asked the lady if she wanted him to pray over her (to be filled with the Holy Spirit - not just to speak in tongues). She was keen, so Don phoned the rest of us back at the house and we all prayed for the lady - Don layed hands on her, and we all prayed over speaker phone. She received the Holy Spirit anointing after about a minute or two, speaking in tongues loud and clear - right outside the store. Praise the Lord!

So many opportunities for the Lord’s work happen like this - while Don is simply running errands and zipping in and out of stores. The other places where the Lord tends to use us quite often is at the local parks and gardens. I sent the following text to a sister in the Lord recently. It was amazing how God set up the situation.

Hi, Sis! Some mid-week inspiration:

Don went for a bike ride yesterday morning and got chatting to a gal at the gardens because he was curious about what she was painting. (She’s actually an amazingly anointed artist, btw - I’ve got to show you her website!)

Anyway, after a while, she ended up sharing that she has been having some struggles with her marriage. Don obviously then shared some of our stories. When he had to take a break to go to the restroom, she said, “Please, please come back; I want to know more…!”

The gal ended up coming back to the house and we all prayed with her, and she received soooo powerfully. She’s deliberately not going to finish the painting so that it can be a talking piece about the miracle that happened to her today…. And, she said she couldn’t wait to pray in tongues on her own all the way driving home, and whenever she paints, etc. Praise God!

